Many people go under the knife every year for many different cosmetic surgeries like liposuction, breast reduction, dermal fillers, breast enlargement and forms of laser treatment for the body. While plastic surgery has its positive outcomes and can leave you with a new bundle of confidence, don’t forget it can come with some post operation complications. You need to be aware of both the benefits and also the risks that are involved as well as the precautionary steps to take if you come across any of the negative outcomes listed.
Here are the most common complications post cosmetic surgery:
A pocket of blood that looks much like a bad bruise is called a hematoma. A small percentage of people who undergo breast procedures have this complication listed as one of the most common side-effects of the operation. It is common in most cosmetic surgeries and depending on how severe the clotting is or the pain caused, they may need to be drained or treated in other ways.
Nerve Damage
Nerve damage can be present for most surgical procedures, cosmetic or not. You can suffer tingling and numbness after cosmetic surgery both which can imply there has been nerve damage. This often goes unnoticed until the area has healed as numbing and tingling can be a sign of trauma to the area such as being operated on as well as being a sign of healing. So, if numbing or tingling persists even after you and your physician believe you are truly healed, seek further medical advice as this could be a sign of damage to your nerves. The importance of seeking medical advice can’t be stressed enough as it in worst case scenarios it can be critical nerves damaged throughout your body.
Once you have undergone cosmetic surgery, you will need to complete some post care duties to ensure you don’t get an infection and everything heals the way it should and in the time it should. Infections such as cellulitis can occur in those who have had breast surgeries. If the infection is severe, it may require hospitalisation with IV antibiotics and further treatment, you must stay on top of cleanliness and hygiene post cosmetic surgery.
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Deep Vein Thrombosis is where the blood clots within the deep veins that are found throughout the leg. This can then lead to pulmonary embolism which is when the cots break off and find their way to the lungs; this complication can impact your health tremendously and potentially be fatal. At the first sign of anything worrisome, contact your surgeon or any medical professional and get advice immediately.
In all surgeries, you will be left with scarring. It can depend on who you have to do the surgery as some surgeons are well-experienced and trained to leave less scarring. A complication called hypertrophic scarring is when the scar is red and raised, this usually occurs in a small percentage of surgeries, however, it is still something to look into if you experience anything out of the norm.
Most people are satisfied with their surgery and embrace the results they have seen. However, disappointment can happen in some cases. In patients who have breast enlargements, they may have asymmetry complications or the patients may simply not like the result. Sometimes surgeries can turn out to be different than what was imagined. It is important to not get your hopes up and realise that sometimes things may not turn out the way you fully imagine. Taking this step to undergo cosmetic surgery is a huge chance to take to help improve any specific aspect of your life, just keep in mind that it is an enormous procedure no matter which body part is being targeted and you must be mentally as well as physically prepared.
This is a condition where the serum in your blood can pool under the skin which results in swelling and pain. Most often they will appear as a large blister. This type of complication is common in tummy tucks or liposuction. It can be easily fixed by draining out the blood before an infection develops.
Blood Loss
While some blood loss is normal during surgery most often it can be noticed and controlled by the doctors. Be aware that blood loss can happen internally days after surgery so be sure to check in with your doctor to see if you have dark spots under the skin, inflammation, fatigue or feeling unwell.
You can limit the risk of complications for post-cosmetic surgery by making sure you choose a surgeon that has good reviews and the proper qualifications. Educate yourself about what you are going to undertake and talk about the risks involved with the doctor and how to lower your chance of complications. For the healing process you may want to think about the idea of medical equipment rental to help with your post-surgery care as well as any further injury prevention that may be caused by being unbalanced or bedridden.