Some movies are good to watch just once. You get hold of the story and you’re done. But some movies are quite remarkable because of how they were made. It’s worth seeing it once again maybe because of the places where they shot the film, how good they portrayed their roles and how they were stylized with hair extensions and makeup. Beyond the fashion and the sense of elegance they exude onscreen, one thing that catches the audience’s eyes is their crowning glory, the hair.
A hairstyle just completes the whole package of a character. Attitude roots from it. Identity is enhanced by it. And there’s something iconic that it could become a label in itself. Here are some of the best blow waves and hairstyles we had seen in movies:
- Julia Roberts’ magnificent curls in Pretty Woman instantly became famous as soon as it came out. The wild Auburn crowning glory just spoke loudly of the beautiful woman she wanted to be in the story, behind the harsh business of prostitution that limited her initially. There was an attempt from Nicole Kidman when she did Eyes Wide Shut but it was not voluptuous enough to cut it.
- Nicole Kidman’s neat hairstyle though tops all 70s big-haired attempts when she played the flawless better half in Stepford Wives. As it spoke of big volume and platinum-blonde-no-lock-goes-astray, the suspense movie provided the audience with everything Barbie. The hues, the styling and the activities that a Stepford Wife does.
- Opposite being a Stepford Wife going all grunge with a scruffy looking short hair ‘do, is Winona Ryder in Reality Bites. It’s a longer pixie, it’s carefree and it’s perfect for any weather. It gives you relief during Summer and it doesn’t get in the way of your scarves as you cover up for the colder season.
- Another short and daring cut is the Willie Wonka hairstyle. Johnny Depp has portrayed a lot of unique characters and one of the most unforgettable is being the owner of a chocolate business. From the movie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, this iconic ‘do stand unisex and is now worn mostly by women. Many women in fashion, love this odd-looking cut. Similar to the French protagonist’s haircut of Amelie, Uma Thurman’s hairdo in Pulp Fiction follows the same framed face bob cut.
- Fashion, business, short haircut. This speaks of Miranda Priestley’s being. Meryl Streep’s gray short haircut in Devil Wears Prada deserved the hashtag #girlboss more than anybody. She not only rocked that hairstyle but it gave birth to a character that is like no other. Complimented by the pursing of the lips, she had just given life to a real Cruella de Vil.
- One of Miranda Priestley’s secretary fashioned this pretty, layered, girl-next-door hair added of the daring fringes. The thing is, these pretty faces are more efficient and hard-working than innocent. 50 Shades of Grey’s Anastasia Steele, played by Dakota Johnson, exuded this perfect look while climbing the ladder into becoming the editor-in-chief of a publishing house. This hairstyle just speaks a lot of tones with that framed face yet free-flowing layers.
- Last but not least, there’s the mermaid hair, where the curls just flow and are not too kinky. It started with Helen in the movie Troy where you could see the hair’s glow. It effortlessly breathes and it’s pretty even if you just use your fingers in letting it loose.
Hair can make you or break you only if you allow it too. As you embrace a change in seeing a different hairstyle you want to try, don’t forget that the most important thing is to keep it healthy and washed. Afterwards, carry it with confidence. It can never go wrong from there.